Use our Reports Library (below) to access our most popular documents related to Economic Development.
The Town of Sylvan Lake has a full document library located here.

2024-2030 Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan
In March 2024, Sylvan Lake began crafting a 7-Year Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan. Led by a steering committee with input from the Sylvan Lake Chamber of Commerce, the Tourism Development Committee, and various community and business members, this initiative has included nearly 30 hours of public and internal engagement

2022 Business Visitation Program Report
After the COVID-19 pandemic, Sylvan Lake launched a Business Visitation Program to identify key issues and gather data for future actions. This report provides a detailed account of the findings from both qualitative and quantitative assessments of the local business environment.

Commercial Lands Study
This study examines Sylvan Lake’s current commercial space inventory, forecasts future needs, and aligns them with designated growth areas. It aims to guide decisions on commercial land designation, ensuring optimal planning and development to meet long-term land use and economic goals.

Land Use Bylaw
This Bylaw aims to:
(a) Divide the municipality into districts; (b) Regulate land use for each district; (c) Establish the Development Officer role; (d) Outline the process for decision-making and issuing development permits; (e) Specify how to notify about permit issuance; (f) Implement statutory plans.

Sector Profile: Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Primarily composed of management, environmental, and architectural consulting services, the sector is also represented by a concentrated presence in engineering services, testing laboratories, and health and safety, which principally support other industries.

Sector Profile: Retail
Established retail nodes in Sylvan Lake are primarily located in the northeast section of the town. The largest node is located at the intersection of Highway 20 and 47th Avenue, with the three large retail centres accounting for nearly 75% of the total Sylvan Lake retail inventory.

Visitor Friendly Assessment and Action Plan:
In 2016, the town undertook a visitor Friendly Assessment and Action Plan project. The main goal of the assessment was to analyze how the destination presents itself to visitors – its ambiance, wayfinding, signage, customer Service, public services, amenities and visitor information. Based on this assessment a practical action plan was developed that will lead to tangible improvements in the visitor friendliness of Sylvan Lake.

Destination Positioning Strategy
The destination positioning strategy and marketing creative identifies how the Sylvan Lake can stand out and become recognizable among other top Albertan and Canadian destinations. This project proposes a differentiation strategy for Sylvan Lake’s tourism marketing efforts.