The Town of Sylvan Lake has cancelled its participation in Rural Renewal Stream Program.
The Town participated in the RRS Program to help employers fill vacant positions through immigration. Despite the cancellation, we are applying what we learned to future programs and services.
RRS Sylvan Lake Program goals
- Support businesses to find employees for difficult to fill, vacant, year-round positions
- Attract new long-term residents to the community
- Support growth and diversity in the community
Why cancel the program?
- Created unserviceable backlogs
- Backlog of applications waiting for Government of Alberta approval
- Application processing created a large workload for the Town of Sylvan Lake, with little return value
- Did not support long-term living wage jobs
Affordability and long-term growth
The program has created difficult situations for candidates. The province requires that candidates live in the community where they work. Our living wage is around $22.00 per hour. Candidates coming into these jobs cannot afford to live in Sylvan Lake long-term and will eventually move on to other opportunities. This does not support our goal of attracting long-term residents.
Newcomer retention is not just about being a great community. People need to be able to afford to live here and grow their families here. By supporting jobs under a living wage, we may be placing newcomers in a difficult financial position.
The program created some positive outcomes and helped us:
- Build stronger connections with Care for Newcomers and Catholic Social Services. This helped expand our capacity to welcome newcomers in a more meaningful way
- Facilitate stronger connections within our newcomer community through the newcomer networking initiative
- Learn about immigration as we move forward with any future rural immigration programs
The future of immigration in Sylvan Lake
Administration is committed to welcoming and supporting newcomer integration in our community. The Town of Sylvan Lake is advocating for changes to the Rural Renewal Stream Program and will consider future opportunities to get involved. For those looking to immigrate, Government of Alberta programs include:
- Tourism and Hospitality Stream
- Alberta Opportunity Stream
- Alberta Express Entry Stream
- Please contact these programs directly for more information and to apply.